
coming soon

 the nettles have sprouted, and something in the hint of a season change has got me eagerly shopping for swimsuits online.  i've found a few i like, vintage looking high-waisted gidget-style bikinis. maybe i'm jumping the gun on the whole swimsuit thing, but what's life worth if you don't have something to look forward to?   

in preparation for good weather, i've started doing the dorkiest regimen of online latin and hip-hop dance aerobic videos that anyone could imagine me doing in the privacy of my own room. spring hails the perfect time to get back into tip top shape, to spend lots of time in the outdoors enjoying my own health and the blue sky and the beautiful hikes right in my neighborhood.  i'm ready to move out of sweaters and into shorts, to not clench or shiver against the feel of tepid air, to lay on the salty beach with a sun hat and feel the sand between my toes.  i'll go waist high in the frigid sound waters,  and maybe all the way under, fondling the luscious emerald green kelp and sea grass shining in the sun.  summer in edison is gloriously beautiful, and i can't wait.  i can't wait to not light fires every day, to swing the doors open all day long, to shake the rugs outside and watch the dust from all winter long drift through the air.   i've been checking the garden regularly, and today all the perennials had confident buds.  a blueberry bush had even begun to spread her leaves.  in the garden, it's time to cut back the dead black remnants to make way for living green.  and soon, it will be time to plant.  it's time to plan, buy seeds, prepare soil. in our store, it's time to stock up, solicit more artwork, and get to crafting in preparation for another busy season of tourists and travelers in our tiny hamlet.  spring, she's on her way.  already too much to do.

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