i'm not so sure about the information chain. what's real anymore? what's truth? i've been checking as many news sources as i can find, and every one says something different about the magnitude of the nuclear crisis in japan. am i looking through rose colored lenses? it seems as if everybody has an agenda, everyone is covering some part of their own ass, or someone else's ass for that matter. should i be worried? i don't know. will the radiation reach me? i don't know. the iodine is plum sold out of local stores, people are worriedly talking, but is the fear warranted? is the media just pulling our strings? i don't know. i just don't know. nobody really knows anything, and that's the hard part about times like these.
so what do i do? go on like it's a normal day. thank my lucky stars. pray for an end to the suffering, a swift recovery. try not to think about the magnitude of tragedy. just another day.
so what do i do? go on like it's a normal day. thank my lucky stars. pray for an end to the suffering, a swift recovery. try not to think about the magnitude of tragedy. just another day.
Seems like gratitude for what we do have might always be the right answer and hopefully helps make us all more generous. I liked this post, saying in part that it's our responsibility to appreciate what we do have, our normal moments -