
my marbles

 there's this thing about being an artist:  it can take forever to clean the studio.  if you get a wonderful idea and put it into action, it can take a mere five minutes of creative whirlwind to mess it all to hell.  yes, it's that tasmanian devil spirit that makes me do it, that spirit that gave me the moniker "messy jessie".  but i always loathe the mess.  it haunts me, and follows me around, and prevents me from relaxing.  because the physical clutter is really mental clutter.  this year, my plan is to do better, to sort my world so it makes sense, and force myself clean up the disasters...right after i make them.  it's a lifelong dream of mine, really.  organization.  it's a catch-22, because as an artist your most valuable possessions are your supplies, and even a tiny scrap of paper can count as a potential supply. today, as i sorted through nine shelves on a flat file that were stuffed to the gills with every which kind of random paper scrap, i was reminded of my dreadful childhood method for cleaning my room:  stuff it where the sun don't shine.  namely, under the bed or in the closet,  which resulted in some pretty gnarly discoveries months down the road.  rotten lunches, lost assignments, fast food wrappers, you name it, lost in the chaos.  it only took watching a few episodes of hoarders to help me realize where those bad habits can lead to.  so this year, i'm adding organization to my list of resolutions.  so i don't lose my marbles.

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